PHP FANN is a PHP wrapper for FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network) library. The extension is available on PECL and the code can be found on
6 June 2016
PHP FANN is a PHP wrapper for FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network) library. The extension is available on PECL and the code can be found on
30 March 2016
PHP FANN is a PHP wrapper for FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network) library. The extension is available on PECL and the code can be found on
13 March 2016
PHP FANN is a PHP wrapper for FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network) library. The extension is available on PECL and the code can be found on
6 March 2016
The first RC with PHP 7 support has been released. In addition to that it also fixes an incorrect permission check issue.
1 January 2014
PHP FANN is a PHP wrapper for FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network) library. The extension is available on PECL and the code can be found on
31 December 2013
PHP FANN is a PHP wrapper for FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network) library. The extension is available on PECL and the code can be found on
16 October 2013
The new version of php-fann has been released. The new macros for extension versioning have been added by Anatol.
12 October 2013
The new version of php-fann has been released. It adds full support for PHP 5.2 and 5.3.
6 October 2013
The new version of php-fann extension has been release with few fixes from Remi for creating a php-fann RPM for Fedora.
18 September 2013
Thanks to Anatol, the Windows build is now available!
9 September 2013
The new version of php-fann extension has been release.
2 August 2013
PHP FANN has been released. It's initial stable version supports libfann version 2.1 and 2.2.