I have been working on addition of CMS AuthEnvelopedData with AES-GCM support in OpenSSL and just create PR.

AWS Certified Developer – Associate

I just got confirmation about passing AWS Certified developer exam that I did on 7th Jan. I scored 941 out of 1000.

PHP-FPM logger refactoring merged

The refactoring of PHP-FPM logging has been merged and will be part of PHP 7.3.

Rewrite of PHP-FPM tests

I just merged my PR for PHP-FPM tests that greatly simplifies all tests in FPM and fixes existing failing tests.

PHP-FPMi 0.1.0

I just tagged version 0.1.0. It’s a copy of PHP-FPM in PHP 7.2 except user.ini fix that will be in 0.2.0 together with the logging refactoring that is currently worked on the next branch.


PHP FPMi is an improved version of PHP-FPM that introduces new PHP-FPM features before they are officially released.

PHP JSOND 1.4.0 released

The first stable version (1.4.0) has been released. It marks features from RC1 as stable.

PHP-FPM logger refactoring

I have started refactoring of zlog (internal FPM logger) to allow better handling of user output as it is also used for catching stdout and stderr from workers.


I have been interested in PHP-FPM for some time and currently looking to various issues in it. It is basically a PHP FastCGI application that is consisting of a master process that is managing workers that execute PHP scripts.

PHP JSOND 1.4.0RC1 released

The RC1 of the 1.4.0 release has just been released. It adds features currently available in PHP 7.0 with some additional performance settings for the new buffer.